Psalm 19:1 - The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
Hold your breath! This pictures (The Size of Our World) makes us re-think of that particular verse and being grateful for what He's done for us. Each of us doesn't even make it into a single pixel in the first picture. Simply fantastic!
Apparently, Job mentioned Arcturus twice in 9:9 and 38:32.
Some fascinating stats taken from Wikipedia:
My body diameter is far less than 1 meter (0.001 km) :).
Earth's mean diameter is 12,745 km.
Sun's mean diameter is 1,4 million km (109x earth's).
Betelgeuse's diameter is assumed to be somewhere between 800 million - 1 trillion km (571 - 714x sun's).
Antares's diameter is assumed to be 924 million km (660x sun's).