Wanna share a very happy news.
Also check out "See more photos" for more shameless pictures of me: 37, 132-136, 146-149. You can find my wife in #132 and #136.
Thank you for visiting. :-)
And thank you all so much for your pray and support. GBU all.
PS1. Guess what? May 5th was exactly my birthday, hence my utmost gratitude to Lord Jesus for this greatest birthday present in my life. His blessing for us has been unspeakable and I'm out of words to describe this.
PS2. I'd better preserve this before it disappears from TC's front page :-).

Yay I'm first to comment :)
tomek kayaknya sebelah luca (kalinov), baris pertama org berdiri 2 sebelah grace yg lagi balik badan.
natori itu yg sebelah misof yah? (mustinya si misof berdiri paling belakang :))
once again, congrats ;)
P.S. commentnya ini gak dipasangin image authentication? ntar malah dikirimin iklan2 gak jelas...
Ip..Congrat yaa...I knew it...You're the Best Man...
Hope u get wat u're dreaming for...
Go For It..Man..:))
PS: Jangan lupa makan2nya..ha.ha.
keren banget bisa juara ^_^ yap,God is very good ^_^, jd pengen nyobain development competition...kayanya harus banyak belajar...
Congrats yach. Aku kemarin sudah dikasi tau yahya kalo kamu menang. Tapi don't know how to contact you. Hehe br he ini nemu blog mu :)
Once again congrats yach, and also happy belated birthday
That's awesooooooooooooome! (long 'o' as in google search :p). Congratulation, proviciat, selamat! Akhirnya beritanya sudah ada di detik.com, tinggal tunggu di kompas, businessweek, atau cnn?
Nanti kalo udah ngalahin mas bill jadi orang terkaya jangan lupain kita2 ya kalo mau minta tanda tangan :). GBU
met ya atas keberhasilannya menang di TopCoder ;)
jgn lupa sharing di kebaktian umum Pos Rungkut lho..
next planning?? tetep di Indo ato sdh ada tawaran2 di luar??
turunin ilmunya dong..
bye2.. sampe ketemu di gereja.
Selamat atas suksesnya. Jago-jago emang orang Indonesia.
Keren.. sangat keren. Judul beritanya "Russian, US and Indonesian Programmers Win $150,000".
Yang pertama Rusia, biasa, yang kedua US juga biasa, yang ketiga Indonesia luar biasa!
Selamat yah.. Tuhan memang keren!
Keren.. sangat keren. Judul beritanya "Russian, US and Indonesian Programmers Win $150,000".
Yang pertama Rusia, biasa, yang kedua US juga biasa, yang ketiga Indonesia luar biasa!
Selamat yah.. Tuhan memang keren!
Gubrak kedobel ngekliknya.
Silakan dihapus dan sekali lagi selamat!
Congratulation with your championship for TopCoder Open!
I was looking for some information for my business plan in Surabaya and found
accidentally the article about the tournament.
I had always my doubt to find a good programmer with the right skill, specially
who want's to work in Surabaya.
But if there are many programmers like u in Surabaya then I have good chance
to find some programmers with the high skill.
I am also Software programmer living and working in Holland but born in Surabaya.
Did u already get the job by Microsoft or are u still looking for an another oppertunity
let me know, maybe it's interresting to share some idea to u?
I will appreciated if u want contact my.
My mail adress is yotje@hotmail.com
Succes in your career
and God Bless U!
good good good!
waktu lomba sambil njahit ya?!
ini baru my kairos-man!
//kairos has re-born!//
se u soon!
kapan bisa kayak koko.. T__T
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